Local Scouting Links
BSA Troop 28 Glencoe, Illinois
Cub Scout Pack 28, Glencoe, Illinois
Boy Scouts of America, Northeast Illinois Council
BSA Troop 20 Winnetka, Illinois
BSA Troop 50 Deerfield, Illinois
BSA Troop 150 Deerfield, Illinois
Girls Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
Local Nature Clubs and Organizations
Chicago Group of the Sierra Club
Chicago Botanic Garden
Evanston Bicycle Club
Chicago River Canoe & Kayak
Chicago Wilderness Trust
Chicago Kayak Club
The Illinois Paddling Council
Backyard Nature Center
Glencoe Organizations
Village of Glencoe
Glencoe Public Library
Glencoe Park District
Glencoe Historical Society
Glencoe Golf Club
Glencoe School District 35
Glencoe Chamber of Commerce
Metrarail Union Pacific – North Line